Monday, September 18, 2006

Money vs ...

What do you do if you got a job offer in a big corporate with a good package, although the position is not the one you really want, but you might not feel happy about the environment?
I’m sure most of you will take it for the sake of the big names and big money… am I right?

What about me?
It’s been 3 days on thinking, but I still haven’t had a decision in my head…and heart. I know, I’m person who asking too much, thinking too much and wanting too much. I always have these ideal thoughts about almost everything in my life, not include I change my mind every day.

What do you want in your job?
Seems that everybody knows what to do and what they want…except me. Is it money, is it big name, is it career, is it power or is it a good environment? We get some; we lose some (right Deddude?).
Some people will say go for the money, some will say big name is good in your CV, some will say high career for high achievement, some will say power to decide is everything and some will say a good environment is irreplaceable. But, at least, those people know how to pick and what to decide. It’s all up to me, but I’m the only person who can’t decide.

I’m the person who always follows where the river flows. Even I’d never decide which river I would have to follow. I only know that I want to follow the river long as I could, to get the highest achievement.

At the end of the day, I just want to stay at home with my kids and become a writer.

Is it any wonder I'm tired?
Is it any wonder that I feel uptight?
Is it any wonder I don't know what's right?
Oh, these days!
After all the misery you made
Is it any wonder that I feel afraid?
Is it any wonder that I feel betrayed?

(Is It Any Wonder - Keane, Under The Iron Sea 2006)


Anonymous said...

neng, dari dulu yg namanya kerjaan itu untuk menghasilkan uang. orang jaman metropolitan aja yg bikin ribet sama segala macam pemaknaan kembali soal kerja itu. passion lah, hati lah. capek deehhh... jadi jawaban gw untuk kebimbangan dek gadis metropolitan adalah, kembalikan makna pekerjaan sesuai khitahnya. carilah uang sebanyak2nya. kumpulkan lalu tinggalkan dan mulai menulis sembari mengasuh anak. begitu.

Anonymous said...

kita sudah bahas itu bukan neng? get some some lose some... kita tidak bisa selalu mendapatkan apa yang kita inginkan..kata2 klise sih..cuma klise itu khan emang sebenernya kehidupan itu gitu2 aja..semakin tua kita hidup kita akan semakin ditunjukkan apa itu hidup..
mengenai paket2 yang ditawarkan itu...hmmm...sunggguh lezat kiranya... tapi kalau lu belum siap ke arah sono...ya jangan dipaksakan...kerja emang buat nyari duit... tapi kita harus tau dari 1 hari kita hidup hampir 1/3 waktu buat kerjaan..kalo kita tidak enjoy..yaaaaa siap2 aja bekerja tanpa perasaan nikmat (can you live it that?).. atau porsinya diubah... dari 1 hari kerja 1/4 buat kerjaan tetep 1/4 buat sampingan (balancer, remember?), 1/2 buat keluarga....

yaaa saya tunggu project balancer kita...The trio Dutch !! hahaha